
Apple or Pear Tree?

I know now that Janna has a green thumb. Remember this seed that she planted way back in November 2013? Back then we are not sure what fruit seed she planted there, she would just collect seeds from whatever fruit we ate and later on will try to plant it in the potted soil hanging by our window. I only have a hunch that it might be an apple or a pear tree then because that was what we have when she planted it.


Here it is now – 7 months later and still alive :)



I did a quick google search on an apple leaf and a pear leaf, I still can’t figure out which one, can you?


This is a pear leaf google result



While this is an apple leaf google result



Thinking forward, i wonder how this plant will survive if indeed this will grow into a tree. Can an apple or a pear tree survive in a potted soil? Or does it need to be planted in an open ground?

I guess I better transfer this to a bigger pot for now. Or maybe we can have this dwarfed/bonsai? 😀

Whenever we ask Janna what she wants to be when she grows up, she would always say that she wanted to be a gardener, well, looks like there’s a future for her in that profession 😀